Woodies Aromanecklace
If there is ever any two Woodie aromanecklaces alike, it is purely by accident. Originally created by Larry Murley, each of these are individual one of a kind, no jigs or forms used here. We use many different hardwoods and the shapes come out of the wood as he turns. Current woods generally available are Mesquite, Pink Ivory, Padauk, Hohagany, Lace Wood, Black Ebony, Cocobolo, Bocate, Maple, Olivewood, Bubinga, Pecan, African Blackwood,Walnut, and dyed Stabalized wood. Kerry or Lauryn then wraps gold, copper or silver plated craft wire and hangs it with a .8mm polyester cord and tops it off with a cork. Most of our woodies are now made by wood turning hobbyist John Schlobohm.
Starting in 2024, all woodies available can be found at any of our shows. If you are not able to come see us in person, you may email Lauryn or Colin Peters and ask them what they have in stock.