You can order any one of our 140 fragrance oils, essential oils or blends made in incense sticks for you.
How great is that?
"Crystal Mountain has the best incense anywhere!"
"After a long, awful day, I recieved the incense and oils I ordered. One whiff and my day improved. My house now smells like the Renaissance Festival and I've given a gift of incense to my mother-in-law. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!"
~~ Aimee S.
Happy Customer
" my package.. again.. the best thing is opening a box from you all the smell is FABULOUS.. Post office always says it is great when I don't pick up right away.."
~~ Joan S.
"...My husband bought a bunch from you at the Georgetown Poppy Festival last month and we've been burning them like crazy ppl. LOL!"
~~ Wacy L.
"Thanks so much. I love my Crystal Mountain incense and can't wait to try the oil."
~~ Tammy H.
"Thanks for being there and making the world a better place--y'all are the best!"
~~ Penny S.
Our Incense is always popular!
Ours are soaked generously in oils, we do them ourselves.They smell wonderful down to the end.
Available in 10" sticks
10 for $1.50
100 of same scent for $12.00

I'll show you how to make your own
stick or cone incense
or powder ritual incense.
"Around the fire they gathered, as they tossed in twigs, branches and leaves, the people would watch the smoke rise to the sky, where some imagined their gods resided. This rising smoke became a kind of fragrant communication between the people and their gods. With the smoke, the people sent their prayers, offerings and wishes."
We at Crystal Mountain have been making our own incense for nearly 30 years.
We use our Crystal Mountain oils, which are the best oils around. We start with
400-500 sticks at a time, and use up to 8 ounces of pure uncut essential or
fragrance oils, mixed with a botanical solvent that allows the heavy oils to penetrate into the woods of the unscented punk.
We soak the sticks for hours - sometimes days - and they are stored in the oil mixture until someone places an
order. We then package them and immediately ship them, often still wet in
the oil. We use no preservatives on our sticks, but since they are stored in the
oil, often for several weeks, they continue to soak and soak and soak.
They have been know to still smell distinctly a year after having been
packaged and taken home. You can pull one from your zip-lock bag and lay it
on a piece of newspaper and scent your room for at least a day before even
burning it. The fragrance is that good! We have been told we make
the best incense anywhere, and by the constant return of customers year after
year telling us "We wait all year to come to this show and get our yearly
supply of incense from you guys!", we are beginning to believe them!
Unashamedly the best incense you will ever burn!
Of COURSE you will want one of our Smoking Bottles to burn your incense in! ![]() ![]()